Mission Brief:
YOU! How fitting you should choose this moment to show your worthless face!
It would appear your attempts to dissuade the Jamaicans from becoming bed fellows with the Cartel were wholly inadequate!
Yardie pushers line Libertys streets selling packets of SPANK like they were selling hotdogs!
Those Cartel pigs are laughing at us, at me!
I will give you one last chance to prove my sisters faith in you to be well founded!
Run these scumbags into the ground and wash your shame in rivers of our enemies blood!!! |
Mission Hint:
This is an easy mission, you have a timer in which to kill at least 8 dealers.
Pretty straightforward, run them over and keep going. However the dealers are only on the street a short time, so make sure you pay attention to when they appear and keep ramming. |
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Hint submitted by Tree S.
Uzi drive by's are useful in this one when they are in hard-to-ram places, or when you are in a hurry and don't have time to line up the car with the yardie.
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