GTA3.Com : Latest News
Posted by DigitalD at 21:24. Category: General
I came across a copy of the old guide.grandtheftauto3.net on Archive.org and decided that when I have a bit of time I'll stick it up on GTA3.com. This time has come, and I've spent the last hour getting what was left of the GTA3 Core Missions Guide back online.
Naturally parts of the site have been lost through all these years, but minus the comments and print sections the site is mostly available for viewing. Enjoy.
GTA3 Core Mission Guide by P1agu3
Posted by DigitalD at 10:45. Category: General
For almost two years this site has gone without update. As you might have noticed we have moved on to new things, and our main sites right now are GTASanAndreas.net, GTANet.com and GTAForums.com. Now you might ask why I would make the effort to update this ages old site. Well over the last few months we have made good friends with PlanetGrandTheftAuto, and this news is about a fantastic video feature they have done.
The video is called "Liberty City Tribute" and was even featured on the front page of FilePlanet.com. I would highly recommend this video for anyone who is interested in GTA3, as it sure brought back a lot of memories. Nostalgia!
Straight from PlanetGTA:
Liberty City Tribute is a unique and original video that pays homage to Grand Theft Auto III. Video of New York City is mixed with comparison shots from GTA III to show the similarities between the real and the game's version as well as a huge GTA III finale!
The video is available for download at FilePlanet.com.
Wednesday, November 06, 2002
Posted by Stilton at 10:29. Category: General
TheJefferson.com are reporting that Montgomery County detectives have purchased GTA3 to see if the game could have influenced the sniper. Yeah, right.
Chief : Detective, is that a computer game you're playing?
Detective : Erm, no sir.
Chief : It looks like it to me! You better have a damn good reason for this!
Detective : Erm... well....
You know being a detective is a tough job - detectives take drugs and hire prostitutes every night, all in the line of duty. You know all those cops in the UK who have been arrested for having kiddie porn? They aren't guilty! They were just investigating to see if it can lead to child kidnappings!
In "Grand Theft Auto 3," once a player acquires a rifle, he can shoot people walking along city streets and in parks, including police officers. When a player uses the rifle, the video screen turns into a rifle scope with crosshairs. The player shoots, the rifle recoils as the shot is heard and -- if hit -- the target falls to the ground dead.
"You're almost like a sniper in the video game," Momyer said. "You take people out on the streets."
I can honestly say that GTA3 hasn't made me any a less wholesome person. What was that 8-ball? You want to want me to throw a molotov coctail at Tank? You want me to hit DigitalD with a baseball bat? Well, if you say so!
Saturday, November 02, 2002
Posted by DigitalD at 21:52. Category: General
I've had GTA3 uninstalled from my computer for months now, just nothing new to see. What kind of webmaster am I, eh? Don't even have the game installed. Anyway now I've found a reason to reinstall that precious baby. New kickass cars!
German site GTA3.net seems to be leading the community in new cars, and it's shaped up to be the hub of just that.
See, I told you we have some talent developing! Some more samples: Ferrari F360, Lamborghini Murcielago, Mercedes S55 AMG and of course a tank.
Ok enough for you. Head over to GTA3.net and check out the whole gallery for yourself. Install these puppies with the IMGTool from our boys at GTA3Mods.com.
Thanks to ElBazo for opening my eyes to all this lust! He's putting together something for GTA Scraper, but I won't ruin his surprise. I'm off to reinstall GTA3 and play with these cuties!
Thursday, October 24, 2002
Posted by illspirit at 22:12. Category: General
In case you're wondering what happend to gta.sky-scraper.net, they've gone over their bandwith limit for the month. Fear not, it will return by the first of the month when their bandwith limit resets, if not before. Let's hope it comes back as soon as possible, because ElBazo' has an exellent site with lots of juicy inside info.
Tuesday, October 15, 2002
Posted by DigitalD at 14:27. Category: General
In case you haven't yet noticed, GTAVice.com, the newest addition to our network, has launched.
Go check the opening news post there, and from now on you'll find all your GTA: Vice City news from there!
Posted by illspirit at 23:49. Category: General
Gamespot.com has posted yet another mini-interview about Vice City, this time with Rockstar's art director Aaron Garbut. The article goes over some of the hard work involved in designing a game world the size of VC, such as flying off to Miami for research and whatnot. [sarcasm]Kind of makes me glad I'm just an amateur level designer.[/sarcasm]
There are a number of intersting bits in the article about the many new locations in the game. There are mentions of 7-11 type stores, jewelers, and even a single building that's almost as large as Chinatown and the Redlight District from GTA3 combined! Here's a quote from the story which I found quite interesting:
"We drew everything and made it work from every conceivable distance or height, allowed you go on top of buildings, go inside them, and even in some cases blow them up."
There also a couple of new movies, and five new screenshots to take a look at, so head over there now before they get locked away! Oh, and is it just me, or is anybody else extremely curious as to whether or not we'll get to drive that giant crane?
Thursday, October 10, 2002
Posted by Tank at 16:20. Category: General
I was planning to hold this off as a 'launch bonus' for GTAVice.com (what am I like, eh?), but instead I'm posting it now. RockStar sent this exclusive screenshot to me, which shows a hooker and two people inside a Virgo in the early evening (or early morning).
Enjoy. Thanks to Richard @ R* for sorting it out.
Posted by Tank at 00:02. Category: General
In the August preview video (high/low) from ViceCity.com, there's something rather special swimming around in the first boat scene. At first I thought it was the outline of the bridge pillars making it look like a shark, but after a closer look it became clear; there was a shark in the water!
It's not as clear in a still screenshot, but if you take a look at the movie, you'll see it moving forward slowly at the pillar of the first boat scene - it almost looks like the sharks dorsal fin is above the water. It's quite challenging with the camera moving from right to left, but now you know it's there it should be easier.
Will these sharks attack? Can we feed them? Will blood fill the water as someone is eaten alive? I wonder...
Thanks to Ryan for his good eye work.
Tuesday, October 08, 2002
Posted by Tank at 19:26. Category: General
The popular movie web site, IMDB.com (owned by Amazon.com) has information on 5 confirmed voice actors that will be appearing in ViceCity. What's odd is the resemblance to the actors who do their voices.
- Gary Busey (FBI detective from Point Break, and Private investigator from The Firm) is the voice of Phil Cassidy
- Luis Guzman (Short, Stocky, United States FBI agent in the movie Traffic) is the voice of Ricardo Diaz
- Lawrence Taylor (former Linebacker for the NY Giants) is the voice of B.J. Smith
- David Paymer (Funny looking, Jewish, character actor in City Slickers, City Hall, American President, State and Main, and many other films) is the voice of Ken Roseburg
- Danny Trejo (Desperado, Con Air, Heat, The Replacement Killers) is the voice of Umberto Robina
Also Listed at IMDB.com are Toni, Fernando, and Lazlow, 3 of the DJs that were in GTA3 that will also appear in Vice City. Thanks go to Jaker for his finding and the image. Sorry for the lack of news over the past few days - as you can probably agree GTAVice.com is our main priority at the moment.